Monday, February 21, 2011


This idea was first inspired by my first tattoo. I was going to get a tattoo, but then I got a piercing instead. I am such a chicken! The idea of something being permanent on your body kinda tweaks me a little. Anyway, my junior year of college I was serious about getting a tat. I had been writing this word on my wrist where I wanted it, for about a month before going to the tattoo parlor and chickening out. I think I discovered this word reading Our Daily Bread. I used to do the morning devotionals everyday, which was awesome by the way, and pleroma was a word in one of them so I did some research. Anyway, like I said, I never got the tattoo but the word has always stuck with me. Pleroma was significant to me mainly because of a recent break up. I was left utterly devastated in Memphis and it was one of those moments you think you can't go on anymore but God picks you up in His loving hand and you are convinced you can do anything. It was an incredible experience. I discovered some revelations about my faith and my strength that I never knew I had. The idea that God can really hold you and touch your life so profoundly was the essence of this season of my life for me and I found this word really held me up. No matter what goes on in life, or what you think you need, you are FULL in God. Our father provides a fullness that can not be topped off anywhere else. That truth will forever ring in my ears and stay close to my heart.

So I guess if I were to get a tattoo, I would still get this word that has helped me through times of complete sadness and times of intense joy.

Now you know...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


My goals have made a dramatic shift since last year. I was very one tracked last year pursuing golf and all things golf. To make a sport a profession and a way of life I felt that was the only way I could make it work. I quickly found that that is not the way to go about it. I needed to be a well rounded person otherwise I could not perform at my best. Anyway, I have reevaluated my goals.

1. To run a marathon. Yepp, I said it. It is something that is going to be very challenging. I can't wait to get on this journey. I have ran a half-marathon without training which was easier than I thought but with training I want to work up to 26.2 miles. Wow. My job right now prevents me from running after work, which stinks, so I can't wait for the days to get longer so I can get in a quick run in the evenings.

2. Save more money. I have a bad habit of spending money. I like to go shopping. I'm not even one who drops a lot of cabbage on one expensive thing, I just shop frequently. Anyway, sometimes it's justified and sometimes I need to just be without.

3. Tithe a larger percent of my income. This was introduced as a challenge at my church and I am ready to take it on. I usually give here and there but I want to be more intentional about giving my money to the church. I completely trust Flatirons to use the money to directly help people in need and that plays a large part in why I hadn't given before.

4. Read more books. I love movies. I watch them daily. I feel like I hardly have a good cinematic education so the need to continually feed this has almost become a habit. However, I want to try to break that habit and read more. I absolutely love reading but I just get lazy and want to watch something at the end of the day. This will change.

5. Revel in the silence. I am a person that loves to be busy. However, I have found when I have done yoga or had a massage my mind is busy loving the silence and it almost recalibrates my body to function better. I want to respect the quietness during the day, and not become restless because of the silence.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A New Chapter

After my step away from Professional golf, I have been musing in other ideas to keep my sanity. Mainly ideas about my job. Professional golf is basically a dream job. You work when you want, you workout when you want, but you only get paid if you do well. It can pose a lot of pressure, stress and take a lot of time away from anything else you care about if you aren't careful. However, God has a different plan for me. After much prayer and journaling, I have dug through some hard self-truths. Maybe golf isn't my purpose on Earth? God has something amazing planned out of for me, but it hasn't quite been revealed yet; or has it?